Stock Exchange Courses In Barquisimeto Near Me

Banesco Banco Banesco Banesco CAT庐 Adidas Sanctuary of the Divina Pastora La Senza Digitel Centro de Atenci贸n Barquisimeto Levi's Bershka Casio


1. Banesco

路 5 reviews

Edificio Centro Residencial Universdad, Carrera 19, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp
Banesco: what do users think?
nieves garrido: It was a very good office, good attention and very fast
Napoleon Virguez: They served me too fast
Rafael Elias Romero: The attention of this agency leaves much to be desired. Preference is often given to acquaintances, friends. There is disrespect to the order and the waiting time of the clients.
Victor Perez: Good attention and good place
Massiel Jimenez: good agency

2. Banesco - Parroquia Concepci贸n



路 9 reviews

Av. 20, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website
Banesco: what do users think?
Ruben Diaz: Good attention, few people and if there is a queue it moves quickly
Victor Perez: Security, it is in the center, good attention.
Anuar El Chirity: Quick and good attention.
Oswaldo Ramirez: Good service and they were involved with the work, which was fixing the point of sale where I work
Leudys Reyes: Bad attention, the doorman thinks he owns the bank
Jonathan Vargas: It's always busy. but attention is good
Daylibeth Rumbos: I was at Banesco on Av Lara and I was waiting to be attended by a promoter and while I was 4om in line the security guard told me that there was no card, of course he didn't ask until 40min later.
Delquis Guedez: !!!(Translated by Google
jose manuel valera leal: La atension es p茅sima de verdad es muy poco cuando sale un personal del banco a notificar una escusa y el vigilante q tienen muy grosero lo van a venir golpeando x grosero con las personas d la tercera edad y el p煤blico es muy mala la atension
Johnata Rafael Mora: Muy lento para todo y si vas hacer algo tienes que estar desde la 06:00 AM para estar entre los primeros para que apena abra el banco a la 08:30 am, para salir lo m谩s r谩pido posible. Eso si no te inventa una vaina loca. Por todo los d铆as te cambia la se帽al
Jorman Moises: La atenci贸n ha empeorado , es impersonal y no trabajan en pro del cliente. Si te roban o extravias la tarjeta solo te la pueden reponer con la "c茅dula laminada" aunque sepan de la situaci贸n que hay con el material para la c茅dula, fui con denuncia y no sirvi贸, intente hacer la gesti贸n con el pasaporte para poder seguir usando m铆 cuenta y la gerente del lugar me dijo que eso no serv铆a como identificaci贸n dentro del pa铆s. Les da igual las necesidades del cliente. Y el chiste se termina de contar solo, cuando le pido cierren m铆 cuenta ya que en esas condiciones no me es 煤til y me dice que por supuesto que s铆 pero que debo presentar m铆 c茅dula laminada. Se comportan como cajeros de abasto deber铆an cambiar de vocaci贸n...
carlos acosta: Buen banco lo malo es que sela pasa full
W. Arturo S谩nchez: Ca贸tico, lento. No ir nunca, evitarlo.
Susana Pi帽ero: Cuando quiero ir a un Banco Banesco, elijo esta entidad por la cantidad de cajeros automaticos. Me parece que el proceso es mas rapido que otros Banescos.
Jarrinson Quintero: Banesco con cajero autom谩tico las 24 horas

3. Banco Banesco - Parroquia Concepci贸n

路 8 reviews

C. 37, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address WhatsApp
Banco Banesco: what do users think?
Erwin Van Der Linder: Enough ATMs
LUIS: The best Banesco multi-service ATMs, there are no nearby parking lots, cars outside are at high risk of theft, the attention inside the bank is regular, it can improve.
Daniel Garc铆a: Good service, ATMs readily available
Jes煤s S谩nchez: Great location and many ATMs

4. Banesco

路 8 reviews

Av. Vargas, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address WhatsApp
Banesco: what do users think?
alberto suarez: The attention is not optimal
Juan Baloy Rodriguez: Excellent attention
Khristian Ledezma: Good location but they don't know how to take advantage of it, they should enable parking so that customers don't leave their cars so far away. It is always very crowded and it is stressful that there are so many people waiting and that two or three people are working at the ticket offices. They should enable the offices for something extra, so that there are not so many people lining up. It would be excellent if they had an employee who helps people when they have a question, the security guard should not do that.
Sandro Sironi: Difficult to get parking in that area
W. Arturo S谩nchez: many motorcycles in front
DA M: Excellent location
juan rodriguez: Good attention but lacks staff and more kindness
V铆ctor Jos茅 Da Silva Lovera: Si uno va a la caja, tiene que ser lejos de una quincena, la atenci贸n en la taquilla es extremadamente mala y lenta.
Rober Lucena: Un buen servicio!!

5. CARGILL Barquisimeto

路 2 reviews

3MH2+RP2, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela


6. CAT庐

路 2 reviews

Av. Venezuela con Av. Bracamonte CC Sambil Barquisimeto, plaza sur Local L-1129, 3001, 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Adidas

路 40 reviews

Edificio Centro Residencial Universdad, Carrera 19, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp

8. Sanctuary of the Divina Pastora

路 576 reviews

3P5H+QXV, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address WhatsApp

9. La Senza

路 5 reviews

Centro Sambil Barquisimeto, Local L59, Venezuela con Avenida Urb. Del Este,, Av. Argimiro Bracamonte, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp

10. Digitel Centro de Atenci贸n Barquisimeto

路 267 reviews

Av. Los Leones, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website

11. Iglasia Nueva Apostolica - Parroquia Juan de Villegas

路 2 reviews

2HPR+54F, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website

12. Levi's

路 6 reviews

3PC4+8H8, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela


13. Bershka

路 1 reviews

Avenida venezuela, con Av. Argimiro Bracamonte, Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Casio

路 6 reviews

C. El Saman, Barquisimeto 3001, Lara, Venezuela

Address Website WhatsApp

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